
Frequently asked questions


Do you ship all over the world?

Yes Climtech ship globally in our specially designed boxes for maximum security. Insurance is included when shipped. The customer must however inspect the goods for damages during transport at receipt. For the last 16 years, we have shipped chambers to Asia, EU, USA with extremely few damages being reported during transport. In all cases the insurance covered the damages.

How long is the delivery time?

Standard time is normally from time of order 4 weeks for 50L CLIMPAQs and 6 weeks for 225L CLIMPAQ chambers.

Often we do have chambers in stock and can provide a fast delivery to ensure you can startup your research quickly after receipt. Please contact usin advance as we might be able to reserve chambers for you in advance without any obligation to buy.

Is there any discount if I purchase a CLIMPAQ?

We offer discounts if 3 or more CLIMPAQS are ordered togerther and also for academic instituions.

Is the CLIMPAQ made to work with industry standards?

Yes CLIMPAQ is operated by many of our customers in regards to ISO 16.000. Note that for some experiments you might need additional equipment. The 225L size is also a parameter required by the EN717-1.

What is included when you purchase a CLIMPAQ?

The CLIMPAQ comes fully with:

  • Funnel/diffuser
  • Ventilator and power supply
  • Rods for suspending test materials
  • Damper for regulating air circulation
  • Valves for regulating air circulation
  • Rubber bands for the lid
  • Stoppers for holes (multiple positions for measuring air velocity)

Is the CLIMPAQ chamber well decribed in litterature?

The CLIMPAQ chambers are well described in literature and has been used for a lot of different testing. Please also download the Nordtest Method document from our webpage which provide a lot of information about the features of the CLIMPAQ chamber and how you can operate it.

Can the CLIMPAQ be used for both sensory and chemical testing?

Yes, the CLIMPAQ chambers are unique in the sense that they can be used for both types of testing.

How do I connect my CLIMPAQ to an external air supply system?

The CLIMPAQ chambers comes with standard 1”WG connection for easy connection to an external air supply system. With an external air supply system, temperature and humidity can easier be regulated.

Can I use my CLIMPAQ without an external air supply system?

Yes, the CLIMPAQ chambers are able to be used stand alone. An example is to use a room in which you adjust temperature and humidity.

Where can I find you Terms and Conditions?

They can be downloaded from our webpage.

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